Join Us
Worship Gatherings:
9:30 am Communion Service
10:30 Sunday School
E.P.I.C. Worship
Image Rich

Intentional Relationships
Through groups like Trinity Trails, Youth, J(ust) O(lder) Y(outh), Men in Mission, Women's Night Out, ThursDAY Care groups, and Thursday evening gatherings such as Matthew, Mark, Luke and (beers with) John, Bible discussions, and Prayer meetings, the people of St. Stephen take community - and the relationships granted to us there - seriously.

Deliberate Service
In monthly community meals, our widely used Lydia's Pantry, various projects we undertake together, and in purposeful giving, the people of St. Stephen believe that it's God's work - our hands.

About Us
Founded as a mission development in 1959, St. Stephen stands at the corner of Charring Cross and Kent Road as a beacon of hope in Stow, Ohio.
Rooted in our traditional beliefs, St. Stephen offers an open table. We welcome all individuals who are willing to be found by God’s love.
We are a place of acceptance, peace, and joy for all who are called to join us. Our church family values diversity, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship, commune, and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us at any gathering!

"Even if I knew that tomorrow
the world would go to pieces,
I would still plant my apple tree."
- Martin Luther